How to Teach a Cat to Use the Toilet

How to Teach a Cat to Use the Toilet

Potty Training Your Feline Friend: How to Teach Your Cat to Use the Toilet

Ever dream of ditching the litter box? While it might seem like a feline fantasy, you can actually train your cat to use the toilet. It requires patience and persistence, but with the right approach, your cat can become a porcelain-throne pro.

How to Teach a Cat to Use the Toilet

Before You Begin

  • Consider your cat's personality: Not all cats are created equal. Success is more likely with patient, easygoing felines.
  • Gather your supplies: You'll need a toilet training seat, flushable litter, and plenty of treats.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Location, Location, Location: Start by placing your cat's litter box next to the toilet. This gets your cat accustomed to the new location.

  2. Heighten Awareness: Gradually elevate the litter box over several days using sturdy objects like books or boxes. The goal is to get the litter box level with the toilet seat.

  3. Introduce the Training Seat: Replace the litter box with a toilet training seat that fits snugly on the toilet bowl. Fill it with familiar litter.

  4. Center Stage: Gradually reduce the amount of litter in the training seat, creating a smaller center area. This encourages your cat to balance on the seat.

  5. Going with the Flow: As your cat uses the training seat, replace the litter with flushable litter bit by bit.

  6. The Big Reveal: Once your cat is comfortable using the training seat with minimal litter, it's time to remove the center insert, exposing the toilet hole.

  7. Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate successes with praise and treats! Patience is key, so avoid punishment for accidents.

  8. Flushing on Their Own (Optional): Some cats might even learn to flush by observing you. However, due to the risk of wasted water, it's not recommended to actively teach this.


  • Patience is key: This process can take weeks or even months.
  • Be consistent: Maintain a consistent routine and avoid changing the litter box location.
  • Keep it clean: A clean toilet is essential for a cat's comfort.

Alternatives to Consider

While toilet training can be rewarding, it's not for every cat. Here are some alternatives:

  • Self-cleaning litter boxes: Reduce scooping duties with a high-tech option.
  • Larger litter boxes: Provide ample space for your cat to feel comfortable.
  • Covered litter boxes: Minimize litter tracking and odors.


With dedication and a positive approach, toilet training your cat is a possibility. However, if your feline friend isn't interested, don't despair! There are plenty of ways to keep your litter box routine stress-free for both of you.

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